iT500 - Hot Water Boost on the App

iT500 - Hot Water Boost on the App

 iT500 : Hot Water Boost (App)  (5.10.2) . 

Description :    The Hot Water Boost function allows you to turn on your hot water for a defined period of time (up to 3 hours). It temporarily overrides any current schedule set.

                                                  1.                                                 2.


                                                   3.                                                4.


To Activate: 

1. Select the Hot Water Icon    in the top left-hand corner of the App.

2. Press the ‘Boost’ button in the lower centre of the screen.

3. Choose and press one of the three time period options.

4. Your App will now confirm your water is ‘Boosted’. 

To De-activate: 

You may cancel at any time by pressing the ‘Cancel Boost’ button (Figure 4).


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