IT500 - What is my Gateway and how is it Setup ?

IT500 - What is my Gateway and how is it Setup ?

  iT500 : Gateway Setup (7.2.11) . 

Description : The Gateway provides a connection for your iT500 system to the internet. It enables the control of your thermostat from the App on your mobile phone / tablet or PC. Without this device connected, your iT500 system can only be used in local mode to control your heating ie. from the thermostat. 

The Gateway should be setup as shown below in the diagram below. 

Connect the Gateway to your Internet / Broadband Router using the black Ethernet Cable provided. Raise the Aerial to allow it to communicate with your iT500 Thermostat and then connect the supplied power adapter. When all the cables are connected, turn on the power supply.

Internet Router / Hub Ports :

When setting up the Gateway, please ensure you use the following ports for your corresponding Internet Service Provider in order for your Gateway to operate correctly. 

Port 1  :   Sky Customers.
Port 2 :   Sky Q  and NOW TV Customers.                                                    Port 3 :   BT, Vodafone, VirginTalkTalk and PlusNet Customers.

      Note:  You may also require port 80 and port 2165 UDP open on your internet router. Please consult your                               routers operation manual or contact your ISP for details on TCP/UDP Port settings.

Gateway Light Sequence :

When the power is turned on the Gateway will have a flashing red light which should then turn to a constant green light meaning the Gateway has successfully connected to the Salus Controls Server.


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