RT510RF - Frost Setpoint Temperature (Installer Mode)

RT510RF - Frost Setpoint Temperature (Installer Mode)

 RT510RF : Installer Mode – Frost Setpoint Temperature  (5.4.2) .

Description :      Installer Mode takes you into the device installation settings which on the RT510 Series allows you to change the settings in the table below.

Setting No.




Default Value


Temperature Display Increments

0.1°C or 0.5°C

Select the temperature display increments.



Temperature Offset


Calibrate your thermostat temperature.



Frost Setpoint

5.0°C to  17.0°C

Set the Frost Setpoint Temperature.



Programmer Selection

5/2 days or Individual (7D)

Select which Programming Mode Option is used.


Procedure :    

  1. Slide down the front cover to reveal the Select and Set buttons.

  1. Press and hold the and  and  buttons all together to enter Installer Mode and the installation settings.

  1. The first setting is Temperature Display Increments – ‘d01’ will be displayed on the screen.                              

 Press the  button until the setting   parameter ‘d03’ is displayed on the screen. This is   the setting parameter for Frost Setpoint   Temperature.

  1. To enter the setting press the  button.

  1. The current setting will now be displayed flashing on the screen. Use the up and down arrow keys to adjust the Frost Setpoint. 

       The value can be adjusted between 5 and 17                 degrees.

  1. You can now press the  button repeatedly until the display shows the current room temperature, or alternatively,  simply wait for ten seconds without pressing any buttons.  The thermostat will return to its Normal Mode and display the current time and temperature.

  1. To check your new Frost Setpoint, first place your thermostat into Frost Mode by pressing the Frost button above the LCD Display. 

A Frost icon will appear on the screen.

  1. Now press one of the arrow keys and your new Frost Setpoint Temperature will be displayed on the screen.

9.   Press the Frost buttonagain to take your                        thermostat out of Frost Mode and return it to its              normal mode of operation.



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